A Funeral Director’s Guide On How To Handle Yourself After A Loss


One job that funeral directors in Hialeah, FL have is consoling the family members of the deceased person. Many of them are trained grief counselors and do their job really well. If you are also going through such a loss, here are some ways, a funeral director would advise you, to handle your grief.

Let yourself feel the feelings

Our society has conditioned us in such a way that showing our grief overtly is something of a shame. This is why most grieving people just ignore their feelings and bury them inside, which as any mental health professional will tell you, is never a good idea. Going through grief is a journey and if you don’t take it, you will become more depressed and also give rise to health issues. So, let your gourd down and feel the emotions that you are feeling. If you feel like crying, crying for it is perfectly normal. However, don’t spend all your day grieving over the loss. When you feel down, sit down in a place, set up a time, and then let the emotions take over. Once you have cried a good cry, you will feel relief and if the timer is up, get up and go join your regular life. Over time, you will see that this need for crying is going down and that is when you know you are healing.

Express your grief—tell it to your loved ones

Just as you should feel your grief yourself, you should also share your grief with your loved ones. However, this world we are in now, expects us to bounce back from such a loss within days and move on. But if you are not feeling that you have the right to talk about it and heal in your own time. Unless you share that with others, they won’t know that you are still grieving, and you need time to get over it. So, talk to them and they will help you on this journey.

Don’t be influenced by others

Everyone grieves in their own way; so, don’t let anyone tell you how you should be grieving the loss of your loved one. Don’t feel that only grieving in a certain way is the right way, you can feel what you are feeling and that is perfectly normal. No one can tell you when it is time to “move on” or “let go”. Only you can decide that and don’t feel embarrassed or apologetic about it. Heal in your own way so that you can be in a better place emotionally and spiritually.

Take care of yourself

One thing funeral directors in Hialeah, FL often see their clients doing is not taking care of themselves. Even the little things like going for a walk or going for a pedicure make a grieving person feel guilty as if they are somehow belittling the memory of their loved one. Some give up eating properly or sleeping properly which leads to health issues. Remember, your loved one will never want you to suffer and so by not taking care of yourself just because you are grieving for them, you are actually being unfair to his or her memory and his or her love for you.


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