3 Questions Funeral Directors Often Get Asked

Death is something everyone must face one day. When it happens, people are often left bewildered and find themselves questioning their life, their faith, and even themselves. Most questions that people ask can be divided into two types: “why” and “how”. If you are also going through this difficult phase or want to help a relative or friend going through it, here are three questions funeral directors in funeral home Westchester, FL often get asked. 

Why can’t I get over the death of my loved one?

Our society has conditioned us in such a way that we think death is something we should get over with as soon as possible and get back to normal life. But as good grief counselors will tell you, that is wrong; you need to grieve properly before you can get over the death of a loved one, especially someone close like a spouse, parent, or child. So, if you find yourself asking this question, or if you find someone struggling with this, please be assured that it is perfectly normal. You can’t get over the death of a loved one easily or in one go. It is a step-by-step process, and you will have to adapt yourself to the world without your loved one first before making the world normal. 


How do I get over this feeling of loneliness or being out of place even in the support group?

There is nothing wrong with feeling lonely even when you are in a grief support group. Everyone grieves in their own way, and the healing process is a journey that will be unique for each member of the family who lost a loved one. So, don’t compare yourself with others even when you have experienced a similar loss. When you are in grief you will feel a myriad of emotions; you may feel enjoying a movie at one moment and then crying the next. All these are normal emotions and only talking about them can help you deal with them. 


Why are my friends and family members not helping me?

When you lose someone close to you, your entire world changes in a way. Hence things that you found common with your friends or relatives before might not be the same now. This might be the reason that you feel they are not there for you. Also, some people feel uncomfortable when dealing with death or with people going through such a loss. So, that may be the reason they are avoiding you. To get over it, reach out to them and have a heart-to-heart talk. It can help you as well as your friend or relative. However, you should also realize that they also need to live their lives and can’t always be there for you no matter how close they are to you. So, don’t get disappointed if your friend or relative says “no” sometimes.


So, these are the three questions funeral directors in the funeral home in Westchester, FL often has to answer.


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