How to Choose the Best Employee for Your Funeral Home


A funeral home is a place no one wants to come but has to come at least once in their life. And the first person they see is your staff members. So, for establishing your funeral home as the best in the neighbourhood, you as a funeral director Miami, FL have to hire the best employee. Now hiring an employee for a funeral home is not same as that of hiring an employee for say a food place. That is because the nature of the job of an employee is vastly different from other places. Take for example a greeter in a busy supermarket; he has to be friendly, with a sweet smile and helpful. But such a person will be most incongruous in a funeral home; people who come here are at the most unhappy moments of their life and so overly cheerful and friendly face will not be a good thing for them! 

To start with go for someone with a passion for the job he or she is applying for. It can be someone who is interested in the funeral industry and is willing to learn before applying for licenses. Such a candidate will be committed to the job and learning from it because his or her future career depends on this. On the other hand, those who treat it just as a mean to earn some money will not be serious about their job especially the way to handle bereaved clients. 

Secondly when hiring new recruits, even if it is for a part-time job, look for people who fit your funeral home’s value, mission, and goals. Your “company culture” should be a defined set of behaviour and responses which each of your employees should have even if their job is to drive the hearse. When all of your employees work with the same attitude and value, then only your business can flourish to its full potential. Hence, go for recruits who are best fit for those values even when they are novices over someone who may have experienced not the same attitude as your company values. 

People skill are a very important factor when it comes to hiring an employee for a funeral home. This skill is often known as a soft skill and many funeral directors in Miami, FL make the mistake of overlooking it. But this can be the biggest asset of your employee; the candidates' EQ will vastly determine how he works with your clients. Empathy and making people feel comfortable is something you will want in your employees because they will be handling people who have just lost an important person in their life. Just imagine your employees going to bring the body of a man whose wife of 60 years has to say goodbye first. In such a scenario, if your employees hurry them and not allow them the time to say the final goodbye, it won’t be good for your business.


So, these are some things to look for while hiring an employee for your funeral home. Keep them in mind the next time you need to hire an extra hand.


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