Is Cremation Is The Best Option? 4 Reasons That Says Yes

When you lose someone loved, it is often very hard to bear. Which is why every society, no matter how primitive they are, have funeral rites in place to help the family members to mourn their loss. But one question that has dodged people for centuries is, should we bury our departed loved ones, or should we cremate them? Both forms have been used by every culture or religion over the world, and the modern society continues to do so. But the reason for arguing over which method is the best option has changed in recent times. So, if you are wondering whether you go for cremation in Hialeah or burial, here are reasons that say cremation is the best option of the two, in our present time.

First and foremost, cremation is economical. And by economical, it means that in the long run, it is cheaper than a burial, but it is not cheap. The two main costs that cremation saves are casket and burial plot. Which means you can spend the money you save here on other aspects of the funeral service. With the economy not being in a great, it will be a great relief to many families who opt for this option.

The second reason is that it is great for our Earth. We all know how climate change and the degradation of the environment is driven by the actions of us human; so, we need to do everything, even if it is a little step, to reverse those damages. A traditional burial consumes many resources like the wood used in making the coffin or the place for burial which is becoming a scarcity as the population of the earth keeps growing. Then there are the damages caused by the chemicals used for embalming of the deceased body. Now compare that to cremation; you don’t need to embalm the body, you don’t need to use a casket, and the process is done mostly in electrical method and controlled manner leading to very less pollution.

The third reason why opting for cremation is better than burial is because, with cremation, you can carry a bit of your beloved one with you in the form of ashes. There is a rising trend of distributing the ashes between the loved people the deceased person has left behind so that they can mourn as they like. Some take the ashes to the places they have the happiest memory of to scatter it, while some even draw tattoos using the ashes! Of course, none of these intimate things can be done when a body is buried.

The last reason why you should go for cremation Hialeah rather than burial is that you can actually do both when you choose this option. After cremation, you can keep the ashes in an urn with you and carry it anywhere you want; and if you want, you can also bury in a family plot or keep it in a crypt. And if you plan to bury it, you only need a small plot of land against the burial of a casket!


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