Tips On How To Have A Cost-Effective Funeral

With the rising cost of living, even the cost of a funeral has doubled in recent years. So, it is very natural that you will want to do some saving when you are organizing a funeral in a funeral home Hialeah, FL. Some can be as easy as asking the right question, while others can be little DIY projects to help cut costs. To help you out, here are some pointers:

  • Don’t select the first funeral home Miami you come across; for best result always asks around. It can be a little difficult in a time of mourning to be this practical, so it is better if a friend or relative does these enquire instead of the immediate family members. If you’re near one has died and you are not emotionally there to handle this aspect, let others do it especially if you know someone who has already helped arrange a funeral before. If not, ask around your relatives for suggestions and then chose the one with the most affordable rate.

  • Once you have selected a funeral home, it is time to sit with the director and finalize a budget. The limit should be set by you; don’t let the funeral home set it. Explain your budget (of course be pragmatic) and see what options the director comes up with. Remember, they should be working with your budget in mind and not the another way around.

  • There are many services you may take from the funeral home Miami you ultimately select. Hence ask for a detail break up on the charges and not just the consolidated charges. Knowing which service is costing you want will help you to keep a tab on your spending.

  • If you can skip on embalming your departed loved one. There is no state law that you must embalm. Embalming causes more harm than good because the formaldehyde used in the embalming process is very corrosive and detrimental to the environment.

  • The best way to avoid the embalming process and related charges are to have a quick funeral. If you can’t have that and need to preserve the body for some reason, ask your funeral home Hialeah, FL if they offer refrigeration services. The charges are much less.

  • There are other ways to cut down costs when arranging a funeral. Avoiding “gasketed casket” is one such thing. Such caskets are again not only costly but also don’t do anything good for the natural decomposition of the body.

  • Many people don’t know this, but you are not obliged to buy your casket from the funeral home. In fact, you can buy them from anywhere you like, and the funeral homes can’t even charge you a handling fee for that. 


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